
The greatest thing you can do with your life is to love God and love others. I want to do that and help you do the same!


So many people are stuck and don't know how to move forward. I want to help you get unstuck. That's freedom!


It's easy to feel like you are just trying to make it through the week and then do it all over again. I want to help you feel like you aren't just trying to keep your head above water.

I'm Erik w/a "k"

We all long to know we matter.
We want to know that what we do makes a difference.
Most people wonder if they make any impact at all.
I love helping people see the truths about Jesus, His Word and who we are made to be.
Sometimes that comes through a message on a stage at a camp or conference.  Sometimes that comes over a cup of coffee (that may be what you drink, but I prefer anything but that) and sitting down to share our hearts. Sometimes it’s on a call or zoom. 
Sometimes it’s playing games and laughing because we were created to experience a range of emotions and playing is important like working is. 
Long ago I grabbed the truth in Matthew 22:37-41. Jesus is being asked by a religious leader what the most important commandment is. In simple terms, he said, “Love God…love others.” That is what I want to be about. Loving God and loving others and helping people to live the same way.
You were cerated in the image of God.
You are His image-bearer!
You matter!
I believe in you!
I would love to work with you in whatever capacity would serve you best.


I was born in Munich, Germany on a military base, so you know I did some moving around in my life. My mom was born an raised in Norway so we lived there for a few years as kids. I speak the language fluently (as well as enough German to get by) and have dual citizenship.

I invited Jesus into my life when I was 8 but fully surrendered my life to him the summer before 9th grade at Delta Lake Camp in Rome, NY. It's where I told him I was all in and would go wherever he called me and do whatever he wanted me to. That led to working at that camp and then becoming a youth pastor right after I graduated Houghton College (now University) in 1993.

I served in Georgia, Oregon and Southern California and have had the privilege to speak all over the world at camps, conferences, retreats, spiritual emphasis weeks at schools, etc.   

I've been married since 1994 and we have 4 amazing kids: 1 who is a worship director, 1 who is a youth pastor and 2 who are still at home.

I love being a husband and a dad. I love getting to be creative. I love speaking, coaching, leading worship, emceeing conferences, acting, technology and long walks on the beach!

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